Advance legal issues masterclass
Clinicians often face complex legal and ethical issues in their day-to-day practise. It is increasingly recognised that a sound understanding of key legal principles is not sufficient in itself, the law needs to be communicated and applied in a meaningful way. Our masterclasses provide an opportunity to learn about and discuss the legal framework governing matters such as consent to treatment, mental capacity and confidentiality. But more importantly they also focus on how the law can be applied in practice.
If you would like to discuss the advance legal masterclasses for your organisation please contact us
Consent to treatment
Consent to treatment masterclasses give an insight into what concepts such as informed consent and valid consent mean. This includes how consent can be given, when consent is not needed and consent in special circumstances (such as life sustaining treatment). Delegates leave with an increased confidence in gaining consent from patients and understanding the key legal principles.
Mental Capacity
Some patients are unable to give consent to care or treatment because they lack the appropriate level of mental capacity. These masterclasses look at how the principles Mental Capacity Act govern such interactions. They focus on how to carry out lawful capacity assessments and make best interests decisions. Delegates will consider the concept of deprivation of liberty; When are patients who lack capacity to consent to their care or treatment arrangements being deprived of their liberty and what steps should clinicians take? Delegates will leave with a greater understanding of issues relating to mental capacity and the practical steps that need to be taken.
Advance decision-making
Increasingly the law allows patients to take decision in advance. These may include advance decisions to refuse medical treatment, lasting powers of attorney and advance statements of wishes and feelings. The masterclasses explore the theory and practice of advance decision-making, and enable delegates to have confidence in knowing when they must follow such these sorts of provisions and when they do not have to.
Confidentiality and knowing when information can be shared with their parties is a central part of clinical practise. The masterclasses set out the key legal principles that govern such decisions and give practical examples of how they can be applied. Delegates will come away with an increased confidence in making decisions relating to confidentiality and information sharing and understanding the key legal principles.